Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Bear with me...I am doing this for the first time. Ever since I heard of blogging back in the late 90's or so, I knew that this was right for me. However, I needed some time to get the wild oats sown and all resentments eliminated...or at least whittled down to a manageable few.

I am also configuring a "free computer" and beside it being somewhat slow, certain things are just not happening the way I am used to having computers behave. Given these obstacles and much suffering, I present to the world: Surface Dweller.  It is an idea...a philosophy, but mostly a way of being. I have been nurturing the name for some time and its birth took place during the turn of the century.  Ariana Huffington was among the host of hopefuls for governor of California.  Jerry Brown was the the mayor of Oakland. I had just watched Bulworth, and the revelation that my existence was about being enslave slapped me right across my face.

It is ridiculous to make this claim about the planet I live on: that any part of our planetary family suffers needlessly.  In this world there are those who have and there are those who do not have.  Those who "have" are faced with the choice to break off a large chunk and help all humanity.  Or, they can choose to watch billions continue to suffer and perish at their very own hands

The corporatocrasy that our country has become produces a packaged existence for the masses who lack any desire for critical thinking to determine what is moral.  Mainstream information is filtered out through a multi-layered system of mass media. Much is sensationalist crap fueled by corporate self-interest. An equal share is propagandist crap fueled by political self-interest and make no mistake, these two self-interests are in bed. There is the fringe element ranging from religious motivations to environmental issues, cultural and social engineering that exist within the fray. There is no lack of destination for whatever appetite for complaining needs filling.  But even these do-gooders don't seem to be making any difference towards the better. 

The Surface Dweller's appetite is quenched with the truth. Surface Dweller's indulgences are few but specific. Surface Dweller's primary passion is for the home world and we call "her" GAIA.


The Surface Dweller's heart is for those who are disadvantaged...people for whatever reason do not find themselves in a position to exploit the "American dream" for themselves.  Many of these people are hard-working, taxpaying folks who are proud to call themselves American by virtue of its history and its democratic ideals of liberty, justice and the freedom to pursue one's own expression of happiness.

My question is, how can this dream be made available when the pool of capital is being horded by the elite few?

Sure, there are the success stories...the early inventors, the gadget gurus, the tycoons and then came the Internet and the personal computer. Wall Street helped millions achieve their wildest financial goals but now in post 911 America, unemployment has reached unprecedented levels. Corporations once deemed existent as air and water are disappearing into the maw of monopolistic conglomeration. The big banks are being gobbled up and the Fed continues to print money.

Some may attribute these conditions as a sign of radical change.  Some have marked the beginning of this radical change with 9/11.  Many of us are not fooled by the evil perpetration of this deed and Muslims are not to be blamed.  However, most of us are content to settle back into the sand in a desperate plea to get on with business-as-usual and just go shopping as if 9/11 was "no big deal."

Why surface dweller?

SD is a concept I dreamt some time ago that stands for human existence outside of convention. As a child of the sixties and a former 20 something of the seventies, I became privy to alternative lifestyles. I dropped acid, ate magic mushrooms and smoked pot.  I became aware of the fact that my consciousness was not something to be taken for granted and that this endowment, used properly, would yield a significant bounty of knowledge and experience. 

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